About Kinglumi

Kinglumi Co., Ltd. is a pioneering enterprise in the realm of architectural lighting solutions. With a legacy spanning 18 years and headquartered in Shenzhen, China, Kinglumi has consistently delivered cutting-edge lighting fixtures and control devices that are both innovative and designed for the future. The company's journey began in 2005, and since then, it has been committed to excellence, evolving with the industry to meet the dynamic needs of the market.

Led by a visionary founder with a background in R&D from Huawei, Kinglumi has built a robust team of engineers and innovators. This strong R&D force, coupled with a dedication to quality and customer satisfaction, has enabled Kinglumi to create products that are not just compliant with international standards but also push the boundaries of what's possible in lighting technology.

About Caimeta AI System

The CAIMETA system by Kinglumi is a revolutionary AI-powered lighting management platform designed for the modern retail landscape. It integrates artificial intelligence with Internet of Things (IoT) to offer a new dimension in lighting control and data-driven insights. The system is adept at simulating the full spectrum of natural sunlight, ensuring that colors in retail and exhibition settings are represented with unparalleled vibrancy and accuracy.

Key features of the CAIMETA system include adaptive light spectrum technology that adjusts lighting based on the merchandise, energy management for cost-effective operation, and advanced analytics that provide valuable insights into customer behavior and product impressions. The system's AI technology allows for automatic adjustments to lighting output, making it an intelligent choice for high-end retailers, supermarkets, and art galleries.

With the CAIMETA system, Kinglumi has not only redefined lighting but also created a tool that enhances the shopping experience, boosts retail efficiency, and contributes to environmental sustainability through smart energy use.